Your Fashion & Interiors Style

by Les 100 Ciels Team on July 19, 2019

There is so much inspiration to be found for home decoration when browsing online.  The problem is, how do you decide what style to go with for your home?  To make the process of beautifying home interiors in a style reflective of who we are and what we want to express, we’ve turned to fashion. Style is such a personal thing. It doesn’t always follow trends (although it can definitely be influenced by it) and it doesn’t always make sense to others. There are many parallels between how one’s sense of fashion can inform choices for interior design. Both are hugely influenced by what you are drawn to in daily life and both take on board the function, mood, colour and a balance of proportion and details. So whether you’re a home decor veteran or someone just starting on an exploration of taste and style, here are our 3 tips on how to draw from your fashion style to truly express yourself at home.


1. Think about your lifestyle and personality

Do you prefer to be dressed in a comfortable and relaxed way or do you usually prefer to dress up and be more pulled together? Are you an extrovert – happy to be the centre of attention in a flowing red dress or are you an introvert or somewhere in between? What kind of activities do you enjoy in your leisure time? These are just a few of the questions you can ask yourself to discover more about what fills you up and makes you feel like yourself. Use this information, when thinking about your home decor. The mood of a home can be a direct reflection of your personality and your typical fashion tastes.

2. Your existing wardrobe gives hints to your interior design style

Take a look at your wardrobe. What sorts of colours are more prevalent? Are there lots of florals, geometric patterns or perhaps it’s a monochrome palette with solid, clean lines. Preferences in your clothing can provide a lot of information about where your tastes lie and what you might be more predisposed to in your home decor.

3. Take note of other elements in your wardrobe

Jewellery is another important indicator of style and taste that can be woven into interiors. Do you lean towards silver or are you more of a gold and brass person. These tones can directly translate into finishings in interior design for example light fixtures or door handles. Also not to be overlooked are other accessories such as shoes and handbags. Do you love leather or natural fibres like rattan for your handbags? All of these elements are possibilities for the home- from leather pouffs to rattan and wicker furniture. Fashion broadens your horizon to the multitude of options that exist for the home.

With these tips in mind, explore your style and feel free to draw from fashion and interior design styles interchangeably- this is one of the best parts of working with the two design forms. If you love the colour orange but just can’t bring yourself to wear it.. add orange as a pillow, a throw or an accent wall in your home. Or if you love a bold geometric print, but don’t want to commit to it in your home for the long term.. you can add this print into your wardrobe! The great thing about fashion is that it allows you to indulge in bold tastes in a temporary and transient way that sits very well with changes in your mood and tastes.

As a final note, sometimes a firm fashion style can spark a desire to explore its opposite. Your fashion style might be very clean and minimalistic but you feel drawn to bold colours and lush textures for the home. This is ok too. Go with it! Your home is a very personal and private space. Fashion has always been about encouraging experimentation and going with what feels good.  The same is true for interiors. Have fun and create the perfect space for you!


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